Mystic Universe

Aries (21 March - 20 April)


Aries is the first fire sign in the zodiac (the other fire signs being Leo and Sagittarius). Individuals born between these dates are usually referred to as Arians or Ariens.

Arians are typically headstrong and impulsive - rushing in where angels fear to tread. They are essentially self-expressive and assertive with qualities of enterprise and spontaneity.

Arians want everything done yesterday and their attitude is usually "me first" rather than being naturally individualistic. Arians value their freedom, they are frank and direct to the point of being tactless.

Mentally they are quick thinking and quick witted, though not particularly reflective or philosophical. They like to start a project but can easily rush off into other ideas before finishing it.

They can be selfish, impatient, argumentative and quick tempered - often insensitive to the feelings of others - although not usually intentionally. They enjoy a challenge and make a good leader or boss, especially where initiative and pioneering spirit is needed.

Aries is ruled by Mars which governs the head. Symbolically this means that they like to be at the head of things (me first). Physiologically there could be a tendency to headaches, neuralgia and inflammations. Their impulsive nature brings a risk of accidents and haemorrhage.

Financially they find that many of their troubles occur as a result of them taking up and staying with unsuitable activities. They rarely seem to know when to stop.

As an Arian your lucky colour is red, your gemstone is a diamond and your number is one.

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